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GBLA Resource Tool: Allyship Spectrum

Redbud Resource Group offers a variety of resource tools to help strengthen allyship with Native communities. One of these resource tools is the Allyship Spectrum.

The goal of the Spectrum is to guide you or your organization to understand how your actions and decisions impact Native communities. The Spectrum also serves as a goal-setting tool that can help you and your organization create an informed plan in improving relationships with Native communities.

How does the Allyship Spectrum work? The Allyship Spectrum is made up of four types of levels or actions: 1) Enabling Erasure; 2) First Steps to Recognition or Acknowledgement; 3) Educated Action; and 4) Impactful Action.

Actions in the “Enabling Erasure” category, located at the bottom of the Spectrum, are rooted in stereotypes, racism and the oppression of Native peoples.

Goal: Stop any action that continues the erasure and invisibility of Native peoples.

The next category on the Spectrum is the “First Steps to Recognition or Acknowledgement”, in which Native existence is recognized and acknowledged.

Goal: Create a land acknowledgement.

Moving up the Spectrum is the “Educated Action” category. These are actions that involve educating oneself and others about the strengths, challenges, and needs of the Native community.

Goal: Create opportunities for local Native peoples to become a part of decision making processes.

On the top of the Spectrum is the “Impactful Action” category. These actions create changes that support Tribal sovereignty and help redistribute land, power and resources back to Native communities and ecosystems.

Goal: Establish Native leadership in your organizational structure and strategic planning.

Sometimes, in our personal and professional lives, we do not realize how our actions impact Native communities and ecosystems. Some actions are empowering, while others can be extremely harmful. Using the Allyship Spectrum to organize your actions and reprioritize your goals can help you become a more aware and supportive community member.

A printable copy of the Allyship Spectrum can be found on Redbud’s website:

You can also view our “How to Use the Allyship Spectrum” instructional video below to further support your allyship process.

To check out more of Redbud Resource Group's GBLA resources, click the button below:

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May 11, 2023


It is important to understand that pretending to be a native American is another slap in the face to all marginalized true native American tribal peoples. Being a fraudulent native American who is speaking on behalf of true native American people will further marginalize, further abuse, and is another arrogant attempt at violent erasure of true native Americans. This perplexing behavior is another layer of genocide.

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