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Empowering Native Leaders, Protecting Our Planet


Join us in supporting the next generation of Native leaders!

"Building Leadership Through Eco-Cultural Education"

Many Native people have little access to safe outdoor spaces within their ancestral homelands. At Redbud Resource Group, we create culturally rooted spaces where Native youth and adults can cultivate leadership skills and protect our planet through Indigenous stewardship. Your support ensures that Native communities thrive for generations to come.

Image: Native youth learn about the importance of tule to the ecosystem. Here, they are processing tule into traditional dolls at Redbud's Wisdom Weavers Summer Camp.


Why Your Support Matters

Growing Healthy Communities

Access to ancestral lands allows Native youth to practice cultural traditions that foster identity, resilience, and healing. These traditions address both mental health and intergenerational trauma.


Reviving Cultural Knowledge

Indigenous knowledge is vital for solving today’s environmental challenges. By supporting Native youth, you help preserve traditions that protect both the planet and their cultures.


Planting Seeds for Future Collaboration


​Healthy relationships and mentorships are crucial for resilient leaders. Safe spaces for Native youth promote collaboration for a brighter future.

Image: Native leaders learn about invasive primrose and engage in eco-cultural stewardship during Redbud's Restoring Right Relations program. 

Show your support today!

Your contribution helps provide safe spaces for Native communities to cultivate leadership and eco cultural knowledge.  Together, we can grow a future rooted in Indigenous stewardship and ensure a healthier planet for all.

To donate via check:


Redbud Resource Group

416 Aviation Blvd. 

Santa Rosa, California 95403

To donate online: 

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